
The opening ceremony of the World Manufacturing Convention 2019

發(fā)布時間:2019-09-23 10:27:47  |  來源:中國網(wǎng)  |  責任編輯:




The World Manufacturing Convention and themed forums commenced at 9:30 am on Sept 20, 2019 in Hefei, East China’s Anhui province. Li Guoying, provincial governor of Anhui, presided over the opening ceremony.


Good morning, esteemed Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, esteemed State Councilor Wang Yong, Esteemed Chairman Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff, and esteemed leaders, visitors, ladies and gentlemen.


This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. With the whole country brimming with jubilant vibes, the grand opening of the World Manufacturing Convention 2019 will commence soon. The convention will be jointly held by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Chinese Academy of Engineering, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chinese People’s Association Friendship with Foreign Countries, China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, Global Alliance of SMEs, and Government of Anhui province. I hereby sincerely extend my rousing welcome to you all, including leaders, visitors and friends from China or abroad concerned about the convention, on behalf of the organizing committee and 70 million Anhui people.


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council attaches great importance to the World Manufacturing Convention 2019. And Xi Jinping, president and general secretary of the Communist Party of China especially sent a congratulatory letter to us. Now please give warm applause to State Councilor Wang Yong, who will read us the letter from President Xi, deliver an important speech, and announce the opening of the convention.


The State Councilor Wang Yong read President Xi’s letter.


Ladies and gentlemen, I’m very delighted to meet all of you here in the beautiful Hefei city to jointly attend the World Manufacturing Convention 2019. I hereby sincerely extend my congratulation on the opening of the convention on behalf of the Chinese government and show my most heart-felt welcome to attendees who came all this way here for the convention.


China’s President Xi Jinping especially sent a congratulatory letter to the convention with full-on concern and attention, which fully demonstrates the great importance attached to propelling the sustainable and healthy development of the global manufacturing sector by the Chinese government. And it also explicitly expresses the Chinese government’s good will to step up exchanges and cooperation in this field. We should apprehend the idea and implement it, as it can navigate the manufacturing sector through the process of high-quality development. The manufacturing sector, being the base of real economy, reflects a nations’ core competitive power and underpins the progress of mankind’s civilization. A brand-new era of manufacturing, oriented to integration-featured digital and smart manufacturing, is striding proudly toward us, with the new round of global revolution of science, technology, and industries speeding up, industrial internet, big data, and artificial intelligence thriving, and cutting-edge business modes highlighting collaborative innovation, smart production, and customisation coming to the fore. The World Manufacturing Convention, in a bid to promote innovation, entrepreneurship, creation, and progressing into the new ear of manufacturing, focuses on the cutting-edge development trend, key technologies and achievements and provides a far-ranging platform for deep cooperation. The significant convention comes just in time. I believe we will better solve problems and propel the global manufacturing development to scale new heights via extensive exchanges and practical cooperation.


Ladies and gentlemen, the development of the manufacturing sector sits on the top of the Chinese government’s agenda. President Xi has stressed many times that the manufacturing sector is the very base of a nation’s development. Manufacturing calls for great efforts and attention on its high-quality development, in a bid to promote the real economy. We have been beefing up innovation-driven development, restructuring, and the transition from old to new drivers over the past few years, attaching importance to the construction of manufacturing innovation centers, smart manufacturing, strengthening industrial bases, green manufacturing and so forth.


The high-quality development of China’s manufacturing has been improving non-stop:Firstly, China’s industrial scale has been constantly expanding. The added-vale of China’s manufacturing, topping the whole world for 9 years, exceeded 26 trillion yuan ($3.67 trillion)in 2018, accounting for 26% of the corresponding global figure .


Secondly, China’s industrial structure has been constantly improving. The ratio of high-tech manufacturing sector to industrial enterprises above designated size rose from 9.9% in 2013 to 13.9% in 2018.


Thirdly, China’s innovation has made explicit development, with a considerable number of patent applications and authorizations coming out. China already ascended to the top 20 on the Globle Innovation Index List in 2018.


Fourthly, China’s level of industry has witnessed great improvement, spearheading electricity production, transmission equipment, railway traffic equipment, communication equipment, among the others. Many Chinese manufacturers, constantly making progress in comprehensive power and market shares, have come at the forefront of the world. The number of China’s Fortune 500 already rose to the second place worldwide.  


Meanwhile, we also wise up to the fact that China not only boasts hard-won opportunities and preferential conditions, but also faces many difficulties and challenges if its manufacturing is going to realize high-quality development. China has to stay a stickler for the supply-side structural adjustment, prioritize quality and benefits, and usher in a consolidated, strengthened, improved, and unobstructed manufacturing sector, under the guidance of President Xi’s socialist ideas of the new ear with Chinese characteristics. We will should further support technological innovation, boost industrial restructuring and upgrading, deepen reform and opening-up, cultivate the vitality of micro market entities, and speed up the reform in quality, efficiency, and drivers of the manufacturing development, in a bid to make it more efficient, innovative, sustainable with higher quality.


First of all, we should stick to the path to innovation-driven development.


President Xi once side, innovation-driven development is the core of manufacturing development. We should further stress the major role played by enterprises in this field, improve an enterprise-led, market-oriented and production and research combined manufacturing innovation system with more incentive mechanism methods taken. We should establish a slew of national manufacturing and entrepreneurship centers. We should accumulate all kinds of social innovation resources, strengthen core technology tackling, and solve general problems appearing in different industries and fields.

第二、要堅持走轉(zhuǎn)型升級發(fā)展之路。Secondly, we should stick to the path to restructuring and upgrading-led development.習近平主席強調(diào),把經(jīng)濟發(fā)展抓好,關鍵還是轉(zhuǎn)方式、調(diào)結構,推動產(chǎn)業(yè)結構加快由中低端向中高端邁進。我們要加快推動傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)型升級,實現(xiàn)新一輪重大技術改造升級工程,加速制造業(yè)數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型。要大力促進新動能加快成長,深入推進互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+、智能+,推動新一代信息技術與制造業(yè)深度融合、先進制造業(yè)與現(xiàn)代服務業(yè)深度融合,要著力提升產(chǎn)業(yè)基礎能力和產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈的水平,聚焦薄弱環(huán)節(jié),區(qū)分情況、分類施策,實施我國產(chǎn)業(yè)基礎再造工程,加快促進產(chǎn)業(yè)基礎的高級化,要支持中下游企業(yè)加強產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)同和技術合作攻關,不斷增強韌性,不斷提高現(xiàn)代化發(fā)展水平。

President Xi stressed that propelling the industrial restructuring is the very key to improved economic development. We should facilitate the restructuring and upgrading of the traditional industries, realize a new round of significant technological restructuring and upgrading projects, and speed up manufacturing digitization. We have to boost the growth of new drivers in full swing, step up the integration of basic industrial production and industrial chains, improve the weak links, formulate targeted policies, implement recreation projects of the industrial foundations, speed up the improvement of industrial foundations, and support the industrial and technology cooperation of enterprises at the middle and end of the industrial chain.


Thirdly, we should stick to the path to quality and brand-oriented development.


We should speed up the strategic transition from quantity-featured manufacturing to a quality-oriented one, cater to the demands of consumption upgrading and customized consumption, stick to the goal of satisfying people’s needs to pursue a better life, and especially expand the supply of middle and high-end products.  We should fully implement the strategy of quality-led nation building and carry out quality improving campaigns, under the principle of stressing quality of production and brands of products. We should make more efforts to improve product quality, promote brand building, crack down on counterfeits, in a bid to constantly push up China’s high-quality-oriented supply system of China’s manufacturing sector.


Fourthly, we should stick to the path to talent-based development.Talent comes first when we refer to high-quality development, hence we have to guarantee a massive team of highly-competent manufacturing talents. We should improve the curriculum setting with efficiency, propel the construction of new science subjects and inter-discipline subjects,  step up the cultivation of talents in integrated circuits, new materials, big data, artificial intelligence, and more. We should carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship, step up the integration of university-enterprise cooperation and production-education integration, popularize modern apprenticeship system, cultivate a massive team of highly-skilled talents, beef up the introduction and cultivation of all types of high-end talents, and create a team of manufacturing innovation spearheads.


Fifthly, we should stick to the path to opening-up and cooperation-centered development.Only opening-up and cooperation usher in progress and win-win achievements. Boasting a huge population of 1.4 billion people, 400 million middle-income individuals, and over 100 million market entities, China’s industrial transformation and consumption upgrading bring in massive market demands. China will continue to step up the comprehensive opening-up of manufacturing, implement the negative list of market entry for foreign investment, constantly expand, extend and deepen the scale of opening-up. We should further strengthen the cooperation with international manufacturers in capacity and realize mutual learning and building, and reciprocal development. We should create a better business environment, improve protection for intellectual property  rights, welcome all countries to establish enterprises and invest in China, provide them with wider development room and more preferential policies, in a bid to let the whole world share the opportunities brought by China’s manufacturing development.


Ladies and gentlemen, the economic globalization is an irreversible trend, which also applies to manufacturing globalization. The global manufacturing division of labour and cooperation already ushered in interlinked global chains of industries, supplies, and values, which facilitates the global economic growth and favourable development. We should conform to economic globalization, unswervingly oppose to trade immobilism and technology hegemonism, and boost global trade and investment liberalization and facilitation to a higher level, in order to create a favourable international environment for the development of the global manufacturing. We will make more efforts to support entrepreneurship, encourage creation and innovation, and greet the new era of manufacturing along with other countries.


I hereby announce the opening of the World Manufacturing Convention 2019.


Provincial governor Li Guoying said: “Now let’s welcome Mr. Li Jinbin, secretary of the provincial Party Committee of Anhui province and director of the Anhui NPC standing committee, to deliver us a speech.”


Good morning, esteemed Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, esteemed State Councilor Wang Yong, Esteemed Chairman Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff, and esteemed leaders, visitors, ladies and gentlemen.


With the year of 2019 marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, visitors from all fields, either China or abroad, meet in Hefei today to witness the opening of the World Manufacturing Convention 2019. This is not only a grand occasion for the global manufacturing but also the development process of Anhui. First of all, please allow me to sincerely extend my rousing welcome to you all, including leaders, visitors and friends from China or abroad concerned about the convention, on behalf of the organizing committee and 70 million Anhui people.


President Xi sent a congratulatory letter to the World Manufacturing Convention 2019 in person, with his great concern. In the letter, he stressed the significance of stepping up manufacturing technology innovation, sincerely expressed China’s firm stance on prioritizing the development of the manufacturing sector, and also showed China’s good will to jointly propel the development of global manufacturing with other countries, which fully demonstrates President Xi’s forward-looking blueprint for manufacturing as well as his grand spirit for propelling win-win strategy. His letter came as a navigator for the World Manufacturing Convention 2019 and high-quality manufacturing development. We must learn his words by heart, carve out new ways and work in full swing to boost manufacturing with further opening-up, innovative methods, and a better environment.


The State Councilor Wang Yong just read the congratulatory letter by President Xi, delivered an important speech, and announced the opening of the World Manufacturing Convention 2019, which fully demonstrate the full-on support of the Party Central Committee with President Xi at the core to the government of Anhui and Chinese’s government’s importance attached to manufacturing. We extend our sincere gratitude to State Councilor Wang Yong’s visit.


The character Hui in Anhui symbolizes mountains, waters and civilization. Anhui province is a scenic spot for its mountains, rivers, and good ecology, a significant traffic fortress, a cradle for talents in innovation, entrepreneurship, and creation, and also a gathering place for manufacturers. According to the time line of manufacturing development, Anhui has made loads of achievements. In the ancient times, Anhui’s bronze ware production, papermaking, and moveable-type printing spearheaded the whole world. In the post-industry-revolution age, the Anqing Ordnance Inistitute produced China’s first steam machine, first motor ship. The first VCD in the world and China’s first micro computer were produced in Anhui since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The production volume of refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, and air conditioners made in Anhui accounts for one fifth of the whole nation, and figure of the production volume of laptops is one eighth. Anhui made laudable achievements in terms of the industrial chain of manufacturing.

在傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè)上,抓住“銅墻鐵壁”,打造行業(yè)巨人,海螺集團和銅陵有色集團躋身世界500強行列。在新興產(chǎn)業(yè)上,培育“芯屏器合”,形成全產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈體系,“芯”即芯片產(chǎn)業(yè),合肥集聚了129家芯片企業(yè);“屏"即新型顯示,擁有集6代、8.5 代,10.5代線于一身的世界最大平板顯示基地;“器”即裝備制造及工業(yè)機器人,安徽六軸機器人產(chǎn)量居全國第一;“合”即人工智能和制造業(yè)融合,科大訊飛智能語音技術實現(xiàn)了機器像人一樣能聽會說。今年上半年,全省戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)產(chǎn)值、高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)增加值分別占規(guī)模以上工業(yè)比重的35%、40%。從制造業(yè)發(fā)展的動力源來看,安徽跑出了加速度。堅持創(chuàng)新“一子落”、發(fā)展“滿盤活”, 大力推進合肥綜合性國家科學中心,濱湖科學城、合蕪蚌自主創(chuàng)新示范區(qū)、全面創(chuàng)新改革試驗省“四個一”創(chuàng)新主平臺和10個高標準省實驗室、10 個省技術創(chuàng)新中心建設,聯(lián)合中科院組建量子創(chuàng)新研究院、能源研究院、人工智能研究院,誕生了全球首顆量子通信衛(wèi)星“墨子號”、全球首條量子保密通信網(wǎng)絡、全球最薄0.12毫米觸控玻璃等一項項展現(xiàn)安徽制造“閃光軌跡”的創(chuàng)新成果,區(qū)域創(chuàng)新能力連續(xù)7年居全國第一方陣。

Speaking of traditional industries, the Conch Group and the Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group made their own place on the Fortune 500 list. When it come to new industries, Hefei boasts of 129 chip makers, which creates an all-industry chain system; Hefei also has the biggest panel display base; the production volume of Anhui’s six-spindle robots tops the whole country; the integration of artificial intelligence and manufacturing brought in iFLYTEK, whose smart voice technology enables robots to speak like humans. In the first half of 201, the production value of strategic new industries and the added value of high-tech industries across the whole province accounted for 35% and 40% respectively of the industrial enterprises above designated size.  Hefei has been propelling the construction of a major innovation platforms, which are, the comprehensive national science center, Binhu science town,  the Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu autonomous innovation demonstration zone, and the province of comprehensive innovation and reform, 10 high-standard provincial laboratories, construction of 10 technology innovation centers, and so forth. The regional innovation power of Anhui has topped the whole country for 7 consecutive years.


With the global manufacturing going through historical reforms, data, information, knowledge, and technologies have risen to become a powerful source for industrial upgrading and economic growth. We will stick to the guidance of President Xi’s socialist ideas of the new era with Chinese characteristics, implement the content of his congratulatory letter and his priority on manufacturing when inspecting Henan province, embrace the new phase of manufacturing, insist on new development philosophies, and make high-quality manufacturing development an integral part of establishing the modern economic system, with stress on high-end, smart, environment-friendly manufacturing, service-type manufacturing. We’ll upgrade the industrial foundations, modernize the industrial chain, and speed up the construction of influential technology innovation bases, emerging industry hubs and green development demonstration zones.


Esteemed visitors! Manufacturing knows no borders, and innovation knows no bounds. Let’s step up cooperation, learn from each other, optimize the world manufacturing conventions, step forward to the new era of manufacturing development, and jointly draw a pleasant blueprint for the future.


I wish the World Manufacturing Convention will come into fruition! I sincerely hope each of you maintain good health and succeed in everything you engage! Thank you very much!


The Provincial Governor Li Guoying said, “Let’s welcome Nazim Zahawi, Minister of Commerce and Industry of the UK Department of Commerce, Energy and Industrial Strategy, to deliver us a speech.”

英國商業(yè)、能源和產(chǎn)業(yè)戰(zhàn)略部政務次官納齊姆·扎哈維09-20 10:50尊敬的王國家委員以及李省長,以及伊拉克的總理先生,感謝主辦方這么熱烈的歡迎我們參加這么盛大的盛會,今天能夠第一次作為主賓國參加世界制造業(yè)大會、我感到非常榮幸,也很高興在此看到這么多熟悉的面孔,同時也看到了許多的優(yōu)秀企業(yè)代表,不管是聯(lián)合利華還是路虎還是其他的企業(yè),今天許多英國的企業(yè)都來到現(xiàn)場,我希望今天在場嘉賓如果有時間一定要來看看我們英國的展位,而且正因為我們展位的展品非常優(yōu)秀,我不需要站在這里發(fā)揮口舌去勸大家,因為英國很明顯已經(jīng)在開發(fā)未來的技術了,大家去我們的展位看看就知道了,如果大家跟這些展位展商交流的話,就可以知道他們非常地積極,他們在不斷進行創(chuàng)新,設計新的產(chǎn)品,把握新的機會,并且進入新的市場。

Nazim Zahawi: Esteemed State Councilor Wang, and esteemed Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, I sincerely appreciate the organizer for inviting us to attend such a grand event. It’s my honor to attend the World Manufacturing Convention 2019 as a guest of honor for the very first of time. What also delights me is that I meet so many old friends and many outstanding enterprise representatives, be it Unilever or Land Rover, many British enterprises also showed faces here. I hope all attendees present can make time to have a look at UK’s exhibits for their premium quality, which calls for no need to explain. I’m sure you are aware that UK is already making headways into technologies of the future, which you’ll see if only you take a look at our exhibit stands. If you have a word or two with the exhibitors, you’ll know they are so passionate about innovation. They have been constantly designing new products, seizing new chances, and making inroads into new markets.


Their enthusiastic attitude, in my eyes, is what our age requires. We need to cut down the emission of carbon dioxide and develop artificial intelligence and big data. With all kinds of colossal changes taking place in the whole world, huge opportunities came hot on the heels. I believe the best method to take is opening-up, engaging exchanges with people worldwide. We should explore fields where cooperation can happen and take active action forthwith. As you know, UK is busy with Brexit. Even if we’re no longer an EU member, we’ll still engage close cooperation with European colleagues and partners. In the first season of the 2019, the trade value between UK and China reached £71.6 billion ($89.3 billion). Both countries have been using greener means of transportation created by means of artificial intelligence. I believe both sides have great cooperation space in this field, hence we should make the most of the opportunity.


UK and China both spearhead the global advanced manufacturing. I think we can, by all means, learn from one another, engage cooperation, and realize broad prospects together. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish the World Manufacturing Convention can generate fruitful achievements for the global manufacturing and all of us can thrive to no end. Thank you all.


The Anhui provincial governor Li Guoying said, “Please welcome Fatou Haidara, executive officer of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, to deliver us a speech.”


Fatou Haidara: Esteemed visitors, ladies, and gentlemen, I’m extremely honoured to attend the World Manufacturing Convention 2019. I hereby extend my appreciation to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Commerce, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Anhui provincial government, and all units included, for curating such a significant event.


Manufacturing and automation have ushered in momentous changes in human’s life. Without technological breakthroughs made in the manufacturing sector, many of our daily activities are utterly impossible. We wouldn’t have enjoyed the convenience brought by cars, washing machines, computers, smart phones, which have been widely available over the past few years, 3-dimentional printers and so forth. Manufacturing plays a significant role in the economic growth of the developing countries. And governments of all nations attach a lot of importance to the dynamic relationship between manufacturing innovation and economic development.


Against the backdrop of the current international status, it’s becoming increasingly important to widely apply new technologies to industrial production with immediate effect. Today’s event is of great significance to the future of manufacturing. Ladies and gentlemen, in the 4.0 phase of industrial development, we have been witnessing a bunch of challenges coming forth. For developing and underdeveloped countries, in particular, technologies have changed the requirements of the labor market. As we can see, enterprises are exceedingly expecting less costly production processes and high-tech skilled and professional labor. Now we have seen many people concerning about cyber security, information security, privacy security, and the related impacts on the society.  


Ladies and gentlemen, our organization has been following up with sustainable and inclusive development. We believe that we can’t allow anyone to lag behind. Our activities are carried out to ensure that each individual of today’s society can benefit from the industrial development and manufacturing development, as their development precedes the overall economic development and some key social and humanitarian needs. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization is the leading unit in charge of industrial innovation and infrastructure, which is also the ninth item of the sustainable development object. We have been constantly helping all the member nations of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and other stakeholders with opportunities and challenges brought by the fourth industrial revolution. Our activities, including cultivating and assessing the level of Industry 4.0 maturity of different industries, which includes manufacturing, are designed to support member countries to engage statistical research and data collection via standardized methods. Our organization also search for suitable technology cooperation projects, facilitate parties concerned to make use of more industry 4.0 technologies. We launch evidence-based, policy-guiding research. We also establish global platforms and forums for Industry 4.0 knowledge sharing, in a bid to propel the development of industry 4.0.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have broad prospects for the future. I believe all countries worldwide will have a bright future through development of industry, manufacturing, and technologies. We also hope we can accompany all countries along the journey. Our organization will work hand in hand with all nations and organizations concerned and facilitate sustainable and inclusive development. I believe the World Manufacturing Convention 2019 will accelerate the process and enable us to realize the sustainable development goal of 2030 ahead of time. I hope the convention will round off with flying colors. Thank you all.


The provincial governor Li Guoying said, “ Let’s welcome Heinz Fischer, previous President of Austria, to deliver us a speech.”


Heinz Fischer: Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, the People’s Republic of China is going to greet her 70th anniversary of founding on October 1st a couple of days later. As the previous president of Austria, I’m very grateful to have received the invitation to attend the World Manufacturing Convention 2019 ahead of China’s National Day. I also appreciate the opportunity to extend my congratulation to the Chinese People on the great achievements the Chinese people made in the past 70 years. I was a young senator when I made my first state visit several years after China and Austria established diplomatic relations. China went through a historic change, which brought in many positive results later on. China was relatively withdrawn in the 70s, but now it already opens up to the whole world. I had made 10 state visits since the Mr. Deng Xiaoping put forward the policy of opening-up in 1978. I witnessed the laudable achievements made by China with my own eyes. China lifted 700 million people out of poverty and granted all kids with the rights to receive education, which is really amazing. China is now the second biggest economy worldwide and the biggest trade nation, whose urbanization is astounding.


Ladies and gentlemen, as a guest of the convention, please allow me to introduce my motherland — Austria. Boasting 9 million people and $ 450 million total value of gross industrial output, we, just like our neighbouring countries, Germany and Switzerland in the center of Europe, have competitive industrial products as well, highlighting aviation, agricultural equipment, railway traffic equipment, tunnels, and bridge building equipment. Austria is also one of the European sight-seeing appeals. The number of China’s tourists to Austria as exceeded 1 million. China is also an important trade partner of us. We also provide a fair and equal cooperation environment under the China-Austria cooperation frame.  


On to pf that, what I’m trying to say is that I, as a Austrian or European citizen, support multilateral trade relations. We advocate that related disputes should be solved under the principle of equality and mutual respect. Austria wants to expand cooperation with China in all fields featuring politics, economy and culture. And we also hope that there will be more Chinese visitors travelling to Austria. As an EU member nation, Austria is also willing to engage further cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eastern Europe “17 Plus 1” frame. Thanks again for the invitation of the sponsor and wish that the convention will round of with fruitful results.


The Anhui provincial governor Li Guoying said, “Let’s welcome Luca de Meo, president of Seat Group.”


Luca De Meo: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m delighted to attend the convention on behalf of the Volkswagen Group. I’m extremely honoured to be able to participate the second World Manufacturing Convention 2019 in Hefei. Though I have been exerting to learn Mandarin, please allow me to speak English instead.


The automobile industry has embraced a subversive development phase, with all traditional rules broken. Now it’s going through the most profound reform since the last century, seeing the vanishment of traditional boundaries. The automobile industry is now during the conversion from an assembler to a service supplier and software developer, which includes forces from non-car-maker fields. The industry is aligned with automation, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and virtual reality at the age of Industry 4.0. The slew of changes usher in challenges as well as opportunities, especially for enterprises that aim to achieve great goals in the future.  


China offers the world a perfect demonstration of a country dedicated to innovation and reform. China has propelled the development of all industries. Over the past few decades, China has been viewed as the factory of the whole globe. However, compared to any phase in the past, China already rose to become a pioneer in fields like electric commuting, research, and automobile internet in the eyes of the world. China is good at understanding and discerning the development trend of the future. For instance, every time I come to Hefei, I can feel and witness its progress and development. It has been establishing itself as an international smart city with the help of its government, appealing to an increasing number of talents. According to related statistics, the Hefei government plans to install 180,000 charging piles, and there have been more than 1,000 research institutes developing here. And people are no stranger to foreigners like me on streets. China has been a role model for the Volkswagen Group for long. We can learn new things from China every day, which comes down to our partnership with the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation and the First Automobile Workshop. The Volkswagen Group has been playing an important role in China’s automobile sector since the 80s. Two years ago, we established the third firm jointly owned with JAC Automobile in China with the will to strengthen partnership with China, against challenges risen in the automobile industry. It is the first jointly-owned car maker destined to electrical vehicle production, research and development, and marketing. As you are probably unaware, the JAC Automobile is the most energetic firm in China, and the Volkswagen is the fastest-growing brand in Europe for the past four years. Our alignment ushers in huge and speedy changes in vehicles per se as well as our production modes.


I’d like to refer to three examples of European industries. Speaking of the augmented reality technology, it helps us forge a production line in accordance with human engineering ideas, which helps a lot with maintenance work. Inside the industries in Barcelona, driverless supply vehicles go there and back among factories and production lines. With an effective managing system, artificial intelligence, big data, and block chains enable block chains and accessory transportation to develop with higher efficiency. Meanwhile, we test drill system, which help save time to 80% of the previous amount. Hence, we even established a team of driverless vehicles. As you can see, we’re dedicated to the development of Industry 4.0. We hope to make everything smarter, digital and better connected. We hope to introduce our new achievements to the jointly-owned firm here in China. I believe the JAC-Volkswagen will achieve the most efficiency and sustainability via knowledge sharing with partners and sticking to correct technology-using path. We also wish to have the JAC Automobile’s support with us along the way, in order to reach that goal. We have been playing an active part in the reform of the automobile industry. The first model of cars under the banner of the JAC-Volkswagen brand will be released several weeks later, which shall be based in China and aimed at the global market. All the automobile research work will be made in the JAC-Volkswagen R&D Center, which is currently under construction, less than 10 kilometers from here. Additionally, they will be produced in Hefei, which also verifies the JAC-Volkswagen’s importance in the global-supply chain of the Volkswagen Group. All the achievements come by virtue of the efforts of the joint-owned firm as well as the Anhui government’s unswerving support, which shall make the region into the one of the most prosperous regions. I firmly believe that the Volkswagen will cooperate with Chinese partners, highlighting the JAC Automobile, which shall become an innovative exemplar and leave an indelible mark in the automobile industry. Thank you all.


I wish the World Manufacturing Convention will round off with flying colors.


The Anhui provincial governor Li Guoying said, ”Now let’s welcome Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff, chairman of the Global Alliance of SMEs, to read us the Hefei Initiative.”


Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff, previous German president and chairman of the Global Alliance of SMEs read the Hefei Initiative of the World Manufacturing Convention 2019.


The Hefei provincial governor Li Guoying said, “Esteemed guests, please initiate the Hefei Initiative together.”


The Hefei Initiative came into force.


Now we are going to enter the prize presentation ceremony of the World Manufacturing Covention 2019, including the Award of Innovative Product and Award of Rising Star of Enterprises.


The World Manufacturing Convention 2019 and themed forums are concluded. Thank you for staying tuned.




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