

發(fā)布時間:2022-05-20 11:09:44  |  來源:市場監(jiān)管總局  |  作者:









Main Achievements and Reform Results of Market Regulation in the Past Ten Years

(May 20, 2022)

State Administration for Market Regulation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, historic achievements have been made and historic changes have taken place in the cause of the Party and the state. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the State Administration for Market Regulations (SAMR) and local market regulation departments resolutely implement the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, optimize the market regulation system, continuously deepen the reform of the commercial system, promote the implementation of fair competition policies, focuse on preventing product quality and safety risks, continuously strengthen consumer rights protection, and actively implement the strategy of strengthening the country by quality. The reform and innovation of market regulation has achieved remarkable results. 

1.Major changes have been made in the regulatory system, and a unified market regulatory pattern has taken shape. 

From a strategic perspective, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council made major decision-making arrangements for the reform of the market supervision system, historically improved the market supervision and law enforcement system, integrated supervision functions, strengthened supervision coordination, and realized the transformation from segmented and sub-field supervision to unified and comprehensive supervision. Since the reform of market supervision institutions, the transformation from physical integration to chemical integration has been continuously promoted, and the advantages of comprehensive supervision and comprehensive law enforcement have gradually become prominent. In 2021, the central government strengthened anti-monopoly law enforcement and established the National Anti-monopoly Bureau to further improve the market supervision system.

2.Continue to deepen the reform of the commercial system and promote the obvious improvement of the business environment. 

Deeply understand the central government's strategic intention of optimizing the business environment, 

focus on stimulating the vitality of various market players, put market players in a prominent position, and further promote the reform of commercial system and market access system. First, actively carry out self-revolution. Promote the paid-in system of registered capital to subscription system, change the annual inspection system of enterprises to "annual report + publicity" systems, promote the reform of residence registration and name registration, and build a relaxed and convenient market access environment. Reform the traditional supervision mechanism into a new supervision mechanism based on "double random and one open" supervision, supplemented by key supervision and based on credit supervision, so as to effectively supervise and reduce the interference to market players. We strengthened the supply of market access systems, promoted the  promulgation of the Regulations on The Registration and Administration of Market Players and its supporting policies and measures, and for the first time comprehensively unified the registration systems for all types of market players, providing a basic institutional guarantee for equal access, free migration and convenient exit for market players.  The second is to promote the collaborative integration reform of departments. From "Certificate after License" to “Certificate Reduction after License”, From access reform to business-permit reform, From multi-head access management to actively promoting the formation of a national unified market access negative list, from enterprise “running back and forth” and doing on-site to "one network solution" and promoting electronic licenses, the start-up time of enterprises has been reduced from 22.9 days to less than 4 working days, and the market player access system has gradually changed from government-side management to enterprise-side service. Third, actively cooperate with departmental reform. In conjunction with relevant departments, we have promoted the implementation of policies and measures such as tax refund, tax reduction and fee reduction, direct financial funds, direct monetary policy and Inclusive Financing, and help support policies to accurately connect with various market players. As of the end of April this year, the total number of market entities in China increased from 55 million in 2012 to 158 million, an increase of nearly 1.9 times, with an average annual net growth of more than 10 million; Among them, the number of enterprises has increased from more than 13 million to nearly 50 million, and the number of individual industrial and commercial households has increased from 40 million to over 100 million. From January to April this year, 8.987 million new market entities were established nationwide. The prosperity and development of market players has laid a solid micro foundation for China's economy to turn to high-quality development.

3.Establish and strengthen the basic position of competition policy, and strive to protect and promote fair competition in the market. 

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the basic position of China's 

competition policy has been basically established, and the fair competition system has been continuously improved, creating a fair, transparent and predictable good competitive environment for various market players to invest in the industry and standardize healthy development. First, we have focused on improving the basic system of the market system, promoted the promulgation of the Opinions on Strengthening Anti-monopoly and Deepening the Implementation of Fair Competition Policy, promoted the revision of the Anti-Monopoly Law, Anti-Unfair Competition Law and other laws and regulations, established a fair competition review system, and gradually established and improved the fair competition policy framework. Second, adapting to the development trend of digital economy, we adhere to equal emphasis on development and standardization, adhere to online and offline integrated supervision, adhere to the linkage between competition supervision and industry supervision, promulgated institutional rules such as the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions, the Anti-monopoly Guide in the Field of Platform Economy, and the Provisions on Prohibiting Unfair Competition on the Internet. Investigated and punished major typical cases such as "choosing one from the other" of platform enterprises according to law, strictly implemented the reporting obligations of mergers and acquisitions of platform enterprises, and achieved important results in supervising competition in platform economy and preventing disorderly expansion of capital, thus creating a fair and orderly competitive environment for promoting the development of platform economy and the coordinated development of platform enterprises and various market entities. Third, focusing on stimulating innovation vitality and improving people's livelihood and well-being, we strengthened IPR protection, improved IPR protection systems and working mechanisms, and strictly protected enterprises' innovation and creation as well as their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law; all kinds of market players are treated equally. Focusing on key areas of people's livelihood development such as medical care and public utilities, and we comprehensively used annual reports, information publicity and other means to strictly regulate fair and civilized law enforcement. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a total of 640 monopoly cases have been investigated and dealt with in ten years, and a large number of cases of unfair competition, illegal advertisements and other cases that disturb the market order have been investigated and dealt with, thus effectively maintaining a fair, efficient and orderly market competition pattern. Fourth, focus on maintaining a unified national market and smoothing the domestic circulation. Promoted the promulgation of the Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Market, fully implemented the fair competition review system. In ten years, we reviewed 1.278 million newly issued policy and measure documents, cleaned up 3.402 million existing policy documents, revised and abolished 53,000 document

 that hinder the national unified market and fair competition, and strive to break local protection and market segmentation.

4.Resolutely implement the "four strictest" requirements, adhere to the bottom line of food and other products quality and safety. 

In accordance with the "four strictest" requirements, we have unremittingly strengthened the regulatory measures for food, key industrial products and special equipment, and promoted the steady improvement of the security situation in the field of market supervision. First, the ability of food safety risk management and control has been unremittingly strengthened. Focus on promoting the implementation of local party and government responsibilities, and taken the safety supervision responsibilities of all parties layer by layer. Focusing on strict law enforcement, we have effectively solved outstanding problems such as excessive pesticide and veterinary drug residues and illegal addition in the field of food safety. Since 2020, more than 5 million cases of food safety violations have been investigated and confiscated, with a fine of about 7 billion Yuan; By means of systematic investigation, a four-level sampling inspection system has been established to effectively prevent and control potential food safety risks. In the past two years, the sampling inspection has achieved the goal of 5.0 batches/1, 000 people per year. With stricter standards and stricter supervision, the optimization, upgrading and high-quality development of the food industry are vigorously promoted. There are about 1,300 food safety standards, and the total number of pesticide and veterinary drug residue limits and detection method standards exceeds 13,000, which are basically in line with the international Codex Alimentarius standards. The qualified rate of bulk food remained high, with the qualified rate of processed food and edible oil above 98%, meat products above 97% and domestic infant formula milk powder above 99%. Second, strengthen scientific supervision and strict oversight of drug safety.  We kept strengthening oversight of drug quality and safety so that oversight stays ahead of risks.  We have made all-out efforts to ensure the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control, deepened the reform of the drug evaluation and approval system, and comprehensively improved drug regulatory capacity. We have significantly improved the safety, effectiveness and accessibility of drugs, and the situation of drug safety has remained stable and improved.  Since 2018, 97% of drugs and medical devices have been approved by the state, and 99% of them approved in 2021, accelerating the approval and come on the market for a large number of drugs and medical devices with obvious clinical value and meeting urgent clinical needs. Third, comprehensive measures have been taken to strengthen the quality and safety supervision of industrial products. The reform of access system has been continuously promoted, and the "positive list" management of certification has been implemented. The catalogue of industria

 product production licenses has been reduced from 61 categories to 10 categories, with a reduction rate of 83%. The supervision and spot check system has been continuously improved, and 55,000 batches of unqualified products were found and disposed of in 2020-2021. For important industrial products and consumer goods with great potential safety hazards, special rectification has been continuously carried out, and a number of outstanding quality and safety problems have been centrally managed. Safety guarding actions for children's and school supplies have been carried out continuously. The recall of automobiles and consumer goods has been strengthened to effectively prevent safety risks. Fourth, continue to deepen the safety management of special equipment. The safety governance mechanism and supervision system have been improved. Instead of focusing on approval in advance, we attached equal importance to supervision during and after the event with the approval in advance. In addition, we resolutely investigated and controlled hidden security risks to promote the supervision of special equipment from paying attention to prior approval to paying equal attention to prior and post-event supervision. We have been dedicating to resolutely eliminate potential safety hazards, investigate and manage them, and steadily push forward the treatment of both the symptoms and root causes of special equipment safety. Since the establishment of the SAMR, the mortality rate of 10,000 special equipments has dropped by 64%, and the safety status of special equipment has generally reached the level of moderately developed countries.

5.Accelerate the construction of a country of quality power, and strive to promote the overall improvement of quality. 

Deeply grasping the changing requirements of quality, efficiency and power of economic development, we have been constantly improving the policies and measures for building a quality power, comprehensively strengthening macro-quality management, building a quality infrastructure adapted to the modern economic system, and implementing quality improvement actions in depth to promote the steady improvement of the quality of goods and services in China. In the past ten years, the qualified rate of China's manufacturing products has been steadily improving, and has remained at a relatively high level of over 93% in the past two years. First, quality policies and regulations are improving day by day. The Outline of Building a Powerful Country by Quality is developed and implemented, the legal system is more complete, the assessment and incentive work of quality work is strengthened, and the pattern of high-quality work is further formed. Second, quality improvement actions were carried out in depth. Some activities extensively were carried out, such as quality management upgrading, "special action for upgrading standards by a hundred of cities, a thousand of industries and ten thousands of enterprises" and "one-stop" service, etc. in order to strengthen service quality supervision and monitoring and lay a practical foundation for building a 

strong country with quality. Third, the quality infrastructure construction has achieved remarkable results. More than 40,000 national standards, 76,000 industry standards, 53,000 local standards and nearly 30,000 group standards have been released, and the consistency between major consumer goods and international standards exceeds 95%.

6.Stand firm in the fundamental position of people first, and continue to deepen the comprehensive management of market order. 

Taking people as the center and improving people's well-being as the starting point and foothold of market supervision, the supervision measures for the people benefit have been constantly enriched and improved. First, the special treatment of outstanding problems has been strengthened. Focusing on the illegal acts hated by the people in the field of people's livelihood, the "Iron Fist" action was continuously carried out, and 94,400 cases were investigated and handled in 2021. Due to carrying out the special struggle of "eliminating evils and bully" in depth, the chaos of "city bully" has been effectively eliminated. Strengthened the price supervision of goods and services for people's livelihood, continuously intensify the crackdown on infringement and counterfeiting, jointly rectify the chaos in the "health care" market, vigorously control outstanding problems such as "special supply" and "exclusive supply" for many years, continuously carry out "net sword" actions, severely investigate and deal with outstanding problems such as live broadcast and goods, and effectively control market ills. Second, strengthen market supervision of epidemic-related products. By Striking hard to stop illegal activities such as price gouging, counterfeiting and shoddy of epidemic prevention materials during the covid-19 epidemic, we strengthened the monitoring and supervision of the prices of important commodities for people's livelihood, extensively carried out the "three guarantees" of ensuring supply, price and quality, the quality of vaccines and drugs was strictly supervised, and the covid-19 prevention and control was strongly supported. Third, strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests. We pushed forward the development and reversion of The Regulations on the Implementation of the Consumer Protection Law and other laws, regulations and rules, and the legal system for consumer rights protection has been continuously improved. By establishing a unified 12315 consumer complaint hotline, we extensively carried out activities to create safe consumption and publicize and guide consumer education, and provide efficient services for consumers.

