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National Conference on the Matchmaking of Agricultural Producers and Sellers Held in Lishui
中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2020-12-17

On October 22, “Agriculture-Commerce Interconnection and Targeted Poverty Alleviation”: 2020 National Conference on the Matchmaking of Agricultural Producers and Sellers was held in Lishui District, Nanjing. The conference was organized by the Circulation Industry Promotion Center of the Ministry of Commerce, and co-organized by Lishui District People’s Government. For three days, some 700 companies from 20 Chinese provinces (including autonomous regions and municipalities) gathered in Lishui. In front of consumers and suppliers, these companies displayed over 2,000 shared brands with striking local features; agricultural and sideline products including county specialties and cash crops; and smart agricultural technologies.

The conference has been held for three consecutive years since 2017. It showcases China’s new agricultural products, technologies and models, analyzes relevant policies, and connects new-type agricultural entities with sellers, thus playing a key role in streamlining the agricultural product supply system, promoting targeted poverty alleviation and boosting rural economy.

文章來源:中國網 責任編輯:許汝藝
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