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中國網(wǎng) china.com.cn  時(shí)間: 2007-10-26

北京論壇(2007)將于2007年11月2至4日在北京舉行,定于2007年10月29日(周一)上午10:30在北京大學(xué)英杰交流中心新聞發(fā)布廳召開新聞發(fā)布會,屆時(shí)將發(fā)放相關(guān)資料、開幕式請柬及采訪證件。北京論壇創(chuàng)辦于2004年,是經(jīng)教育部上報(bào)、國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn),在北京市政府的指導(dǎo)與支持下,由北京大學(xué)、北京市教育委員會和韓國高等教育財(cái)團(tuán)聯(lián)合主辦的國際性學(xué)術(shù)論壇。北京論壇相信不同的文明在和平的環(huán)境中交匯始終是人類社會進(jìn)步的動力源泉和根本保證,因此論壇以“文明的和諧與共同繁榮”為總主題。北京論壇(2007)主題為“文明的和諧與共同繁榮——人類文明的多元發(fā)展模式”。下設(shè)八個分論壇:愛智與弘道:人文奧運(yùn)的哲學(xué)基礎(chǔ)、民族關(guān)系與宗教共處 、多元文明沖突與對話中語言的認(rèn)同與流變、全球化趨勢中企業(yè)的跨國發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略與社會責(zé)任、人口發(fā)展的多元模式與健康保障、多元文化、和諧社會與可選擇的現(xiàn)代性:新媒體與社會發(fā)展、人類遺產(chǎn)對文明進(jìn)步的啟示、社會變革與大學(xué)發(fā)展。屆時(shí)將有400余位海內(nèi)外知名人士和學(xué)者參加本屆論壇,其中有260多位海外學(xué)者,聯(lián)合國副秘書長約瑟夫?里德(Joseph Verner Reed),智利前總統(tǒng)、現(xiàn)任參議長埃杜阿多?弗雷(Eduardo Frei),中美關(guān)系全國委員會創(chuàng)始人和首任主席羅伯特?A?斯卡拉賓諾(Robert Anthony Scalapino),中國外交部前部長李肇星等均是本屆論壇的特邀嘉賓。到會的還將有四十多位大學(xué)的校長,其中包括康奈爾大學(xué)、加拿大UBC大學(xué)、澳大利亞國立大學(xué)、東京大學(xué)等國際知名大學(xué)的校長。歡迎新聞媒體記者參加北京論壇(2007)新聞發(fā)布會,請于10月26日上午12:00前報(bào)名。

?聯(lián)系人:張老師  王老師聯(lián)系方式:62757101 13146528436; 62758733 13810810038

????????????????????????北京論壇組委會 2007年10月22日

Notice for the Press Conference of Beijing Forum 2007

October 22, 2007

Beijing Forum 2007, scheduled on November 2-4, 2007, has decided to hold a press conference in the Press Hall of Yingjie Exchange Center of Peking University at 10: 30 a. m., Monday, October 29, 2007. Relevant materials, invitation cards for the Opening Ceremony, and interview credentials will be provided all at that time.

Approved by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and under the auspices of the Beijing Municipal Government, “Beijing Forum” is an international academic forum launched in 2004 under the sponsorship of Peking University, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies. Beijing Forum believes that the integration of different civilizations in peace has always been the source of and assurance for the progress of human society. Therefore, the Forum takes “Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All” as its general theme.

Under the theme of “The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All—Diversity in the Development of Human Civilization”, there will be eight panel sessions: 1. Tao and Sophia:The Olympic Spirit from Athens to Beijing 2. Ethnic Relations and Religious Coexistence 3. Language Identity and Language Change in Collision and Dialogue Between Civilizations 4. Global Strategy of Enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility 5. Diversity of Population Development and Health Security 6. Cultural Diversity, Harmonious Society and Alternative Modernity: New Media and Social Development 7. The Inspiration of Human Heritage on the Progress of Civilizations 8. Social Change and University Development

Over four hundred renowned figures and scholars are to attend the Forum, of whom more than 260 are from overseas, including some special guests: Joseph Verner Reed, UN Under-Secretary-General; Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, Chairman of the Senate and Former President, Republic of Chile; Robert Anthony Scalapino, Professor of the University of California at Berkeley, Founder and first Chairman of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations; Li Zhaoxing, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, P. R. China; etc. Also present will be over 40 presidents of famous universities such as Cornell University, University of British Columbia of Canada, Australian National University, University of Tokyo, and so on.

Friends from the press are warmly welcome to the news conference and are advised to sign up before 12:00 am, October 26th.

Contact Person: Ms. Zhang; Ms. Wang Tel: 010-62757101, 13146528436; 62758733, 138010810038

The Organizing Committee of Beijing Forum 2007

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