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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-10-11 |  來(lái)源:中國(guó)網(wǎng) |  責(zé)任編輯:趙嬙


The idea of the Belt and Road, it is intended to bring together the people of the world,

and in order to fight against the divisions that occurs within the global economies. So it is very important that we have such a forum which will bring people together.


鹤峰县| 涞水县| 福建省| 新巴尔虎右旗| 岳阳县| 江川县| 许昌县| 壤塘县| 教育| 鹿泉市| 寿阳县| 荃湾区| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 确山县| 三河市| 武冈市| 盐池县| 临汾市| 瓦房店市| 洛阳市| 绿春县| 甘泉县| 上栗县| 平阳县| 疏附县| 衡阳县| 甘谷县| 磴口县| 旌德县| 南乐县| 云浮市| 郑州市| 蒙阴县| 南城县| 沛县| 班戈县| 公主岭市| 内黄县| 汉寿县| 凤阳县|